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1:1 Personal Coaching

Are you ready to excel professionally and enjoy life along the way? It's called work/life cohesion and it's possible for you. 

It's time to thrive

There's an intense amount to navigate and balance as a professional in our modern world (and if you add parenthood to the equation it's off the charts!). The good news is you don't have to go it alone. An energised and fulfilling personal and professional life is within your reach when you choose to engage the strategy, collaboration and empowerment of life coaching.

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Life Coaching outcomes

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Clarity, vision, direction & purpose

  • Confidence & empowerment

  • Life enhancing boundaries

  • Greater cohesion between work and life

  • Sustainable excellence

  • Stress management skills

  • Burnout prevention

  • Enhanced wellbeing 

  • Growth mindset

  • Living your life by design, not by default​

  • A renewed spark for life!

Life coaching services


Half day intensive

Deep dive into foundational personal and professional success focus areas.

Sprint series

2 month coaching series

The ultimate success and accountability for the achievement of short term goals. 

level up

8 month coaching series

Level up your mindset to make positive changes and live your vision of personal and professional success


12 month coaching series

Hit reset on your lifestyle and reclaim your life to sustain success, renew your work/life balance and get your spark back!

FREE 30min consult

Investing in your future through coaching is an important life decision.
Let's chat to see if it's right for you.

In your free 30min consult we'll discuss:

  • Where you're currently feeling stuck in life or like you're not living up to your potential

  • The changes that you want to experience in your personal and professional life

  • An overview of my coaching process

  • The outcomes that you can expect from our work together

Coaching Intensive


$1,97AUD incl. GST

Half day intensive + 1 month ongoing support


  • On-boarding self-discovery questionnaire

  • Consultation for workshop customisation

  • 1x 1:1 Coaching session, 3.5hrs

  • PDF session notes

  • 2x Follow up support coaching calls, 15mins

  • Email support and accountability, 4 weeks


  • Vision

  • Purpose

  • Values

  • Roadmap

  • Identity

Perfect for:

Those who are ready to supercharge their self-awareness and begin to build solid life foundations. This is an excellent foundation for future coaching.


  • Face-to-face available in Launceston, TAS

  • Zoom coaching available for remote clients

  • Payment options available

  • Coaching fees may be claimed as a tax deduction

Sprint Series


$2,74AUD incl. GST 

2 month coaching series


  • On-boarding self-discovery questionnaire

  • 1x Session preparation consult, 30min

  • 1x 1:1 Foundation coaching session, 90min

  • 3x 1:1 Coaching sessions, 60min

  • 4x PDF session notes

  • 4x Check in coaching support calls, 15mins

  • Email support and accountability, 8 weeks

  • Tools and templates as required  


  • Career change

  • Decision making

  • Short term goals

Perfect for:

Those in a time of change who have critical and life shaping decisions to be made - fast!

This series is also excellent for those with short term goals or aspirations who will benefit from additional tailored support and accountability to achieve them.


  • This coaching series is offered via Zoom

  • Payment options available

  • Topics are an indication only, not limited to

  • Coaching fees may be claimed as a tax deduction

Mindset Level Up


$5,050 AUD incl. GST

8 month coaching series


  • On-boarding self-discovery questionnaire

  • 1x Session preparation consult, 30min

  • 1x 1:1 Foundation coaching session, 90min

  • 7x 1:1 Coaching sessions, 60min

  • 8x PDF session notes

  • 8x Check in coaching support calls, 15mins

  • Email support and accountability, 8 months

  • Tools and templates as required  


  • Vision

  • Confidence

  • Self-worth

  • Mindset

  • Perfectionism

  • Self-care

  • Boundaries

Perfect for:

The individual whose confidence and mindset is limiting their potential.

Ideal for perfectionists who need to get out of their own way to truly succeed in a fulfilling way.


This series is also ideal for obligers who put everyone else first, need to learn better self-care and learn to set boundaries that allow them to thrive. 


  • This coaching series is offered via Zoom

  • Payment options available

  • Topics are an indication only, not limited to

  • Coaching fees may be claimed as a tax deduction

  • All fees include GST

  • Employees may be eligible for their coaching to occur as a part of their professional development budget, you may like to explore this option with your employer. See Coaching for employees for more information. 

Lifestyle Overhaul


$9,050 AUD incl. GST

12 month coaching series


  • On-boarding self-discovery questionnaire

  • 1x Session preparation consult, 30min

  • 1x 1:1 Foundation coaching session, 90min

  • 11x 1:1 Coaching sessions, 60min

  • 12x PDF session notes

  • Weekly momentum coaching calls, 15mins

  • Email support and accountability, 12 months

  • Tools and templates as required 


  • Vision

  • Values

  • Purpose

  • Mindset

  • Confidence

  • Self-worth

  • Perfectionism

  • Self-care

  • Boundaries

  • Wellbeing

  • Stress management

  • Burnout recovery and prevention

  • Sustainable excellence

  • Work/life cohesion

Perfect for:

​Driven entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs  who either want to recover from burnout or prevent it. 


It's for those innately wired for hard work and the pursuit of success, but are ready to define what success truly means to them and lead a life of sustainable excellence that allows them to enjoy all that life has to offer!

Those who will benefit from the tailored support of 1:1 weekly momentum and monthly deep coaching to provide maximum support, accountability and change. 


  • This coaching series is offered via Zoom

  • Payment options available

  • Topics are an indication only, not limited to

  • Coaching fees may be claimed as a tax deduction

  • All fees include GST

  • Employees may be eligible for their coaching to occur as a part of their professional development budget, you may like to explore this option with your employer. See Coaching for employees for more information. 

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Unsure which options is best for you?

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