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  • Writer's pictureSteph Edmunds

Unlock Your Growth Mindset: Transform Your Life

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Feeling stuck in life's routine? It might be time to shake up your mindset by asking yourself some different questions. In this blog, we'll explore how shifting your mindset can lead to transformative changes, no matter how busy your schedule. So grab your favourite beverage, find a cosy spot, and let's dive in.


Understanding Mindsets

Ever heard of fixed and growth mindsets? These two concepts were pioneered by Dr Carol Dweck (you can watch her TEDx talk here). Mindsets shape our beliefs about ourselves and our potential. In a nutshell; a fixed mindset traps us in limitations, believing we can't change and a growth mindset empowers us to evolve, learn and grow. You guessed it, the most successful among us are those with a growth mindset.


Picture this...

You're faced with a challenge, maybe it's something in your life that's bothering you and you want and need it to change. With a growth mindset, you see the challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow, to inform what you'll do next to make change happen because you believe change is possible. Instead of fearing failure or staying stuck (which a fixed mindset would have you do), you embrace challenge as part of the journey toward success.

Let's get practical...


10 Steps to Unlock a

Growth Mindset:

Ready to unlock your growth mindset? Theory and knowledge aren’t truly useful until you engage them, so grab yourself a pen and your journal, and let's embark on a journey of self-discovery. Through this series of thought-provoking questions, we'll uncover new perspectives, possibilities and of course.... mindsets regarding an area of your life you would like to create change in.


Develop a growth mindset, finish these sentences:

  1. The area of life that I'd like to create change in is…  

  2. The change I would like to see is...  

  3. Ultimately I want…  

  4. The impact and benefits of this change would be…

  5. Currently my challenges are...

  6. These challenges can be opportunities if...  

  7. Things I could do to create the change I want in my life...

  8. Originally my mindset around this was….  

  9. But now my mindset is…..

  10. Thanks to my mindset shift, this is what I'm going to do now to make a positive change in this area of my life...



Support can take you further

If you're craving personalised guidance on your journey, consider 1:1 success coaching. Through tailored sessions, as a certified coach I can help you break through barriers, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a life that you absolutely thrive in and love.


Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you're intrigued by the idea of living with a growth mindset, let's connect. Whether you're in Launceston or across the globe, we can schedule a free introductory chat to explore how coaching can support your goals.



Remember, change starts with a shift in perspective. By cultivating a growth mindset and embracing new possibilities, you can create a life filled with purpose, fulfilment, and success. So, are you ready to unlock your potential? Let's embark on this journey together, learn more about 1:1 coaching or jump straight in and schedule a free 30min consultation via zoom to have all of your coaching questions answered and see if we're a great fit to work together.


Are you ready? Let's start your growth journey today.

It's time to thrive, not just survive, creating an energising and fulfilling life is in your hands.

Steph Edmunds

Certified Professional Life Coach & Facilitator

Tasmania, Australia

Steph Edmunds

About the Author:

Steph Edmunds is a Tasmanian based Certified Professional Life Coach, Speaker and Facilitator specialising in Work/Life Cohesion and Sustainable Excellence for driven individuals and teams. Visit the Success Coaching Tasmania website for more information.


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